Detach the PRO from ‘PRO’CRASTINATOR and put it in ‘PRO’DUCTIVE

4 min readMay 26, 2020

50 Productive Activities You can Pursue While Stuck in a Lockdown

While the lockdown and the uncertainty of the situation might be frustrating to come to terms with, there’s nothing much we can do about it but wait patiently and positively. Here are 50 activities to keep you engaged, productive and positive during the lockdown.

  1. Read A Book

For the longest time I have been maintaining a list of books I want to read because someone told me about them, or I heard about them online or somewhere. Not being an avid reader, reading has always been an activity I have procrastinated from doing.

2. Go Through Old Pictures

Instead of letting google, or my social media handles remind me what i was doing this time of the year, I thought of going through pictures belonging to an era before digitisation. I may not have reposted them with a #Throwback but the simply walking through them was refreshingly nostalgic.

3. Learn New Words

I have made it a point to learn 3 new English words everyday! The instillation of new words makes you even more confident than you already were. I guess we can say it’s a “Boisterous” activity.

4. Start Writing

Writing is liberating. It may not be a great piece someone would want to read, to begin with. It can be anything out of the heart. Eventually, you’ll get better at it.

5. Organisation

I have organised my wardrobe, and honestly its much easier to find clothes now, although there isn’t a lot of going out that I’ll need them for. Organising my books, stationary and other miscellaneous items have also been of great aid.

6. Declutter

Get rid of things you nomore use. Donate clothes and books and useful items. Throw the things you know are useless to you and beyond any scope of repair.

7. Learn a new Language

Languages say a lot about the culture they originate from. This summer I logged in to this app- Duolingo and got to learning languages. The app motivates me to not miss a single day of learning.

8. Create a Piece of Art

Make something! Mould something! A candle. A small pot. Anything

9. Digital Declutter

For a a few months I have been procrastinating from cleaning my inbox. There are useless mails piling up and using up storage space. Got them into trash!

10. Online Learning

You can never stop learning. Login to websites like coursera, udemy, skillshare, etc and start learning.

11. Start your Youtube Channel

Do you have content? Do you feel strongly about something? Take it to Youtube and share it with the world!

12. Update your Social Media Profiles

13. Watch Ted Talks

Select a subject of your interest and see what the experts have to say about it.

14. Update your Passwords

15. Revamp your Looks

Try a new haircut or try colouring your hair.

16. Try New Cooking Recipes

17. Start maintaining a Journal

18. Family Bonding

Busy shcedules and digital times have gotten us closer to the outer world and farther from our family. Take this time to bond with them. PLay board games, or cook together or have a karoake night with them.

19. Discover Artists

Musicians, Theatre actors, Dancers — many artists have made pieces of art that await discovery.

20. Study

Study a subject you’ve always been intrigued by. I have begun reading about Human Psychology.

21. Styling

Try New styles with old clothes.

22. Workout

Don’t stop polishing up on those summer bodies, just because this summer isn’t outdoors.

23. Start a new kind of fitness

Yoga? Stretching? Cross-Fit? Boxing?

24. Plan your nutritious Diet

25. Give sometime daily for selfcare

26. Solve puzzles and crosswords

27. Learn a new Software

28. Read Magazines

I have stacked up tens of Nat Geo magazines for over years now. Finally found a good time to get to them.

29. Indulge In Poetry

30.Learn a Musical Instrument

I have a keyboard at home. But if I wanna try another musical intrument, there’s Garage Band for apple users.

31. Solve Math Problems

32. Study World Politics and Economics

33. Sketch, Paint, Doodle

34. Try Stitching or Embroidery

35. Glass Painting

36. Video Games

37. Indoor Games

Table tennis or just throw-catch with a ball.

38. Meditation

39. Binge watching Movies and Shows

40. Make a List of Things to Do post-lockdown

41. Make a List of places to travel to and plan those travels

42. Photography

CLick pictures of your family, pets, or still life

43. Dance

44. Sing

45. Dig deep into Conspiracy Theories

46. Go on a virtual Date

47. Begin Networking for your Professional Career

48. Gardening

Ate a Lemon, planted the seed. Growing Lemons! Chopped some veggies, stuffed the unused parts in the pot- Compost!

49. Sleep

Remember the time you always complained about all the lack of sleep? Go Get Some!


Love yourself. Accept yourself. Embrace yourself. Decide what you want in life.Who you want in life. De-clutter, Organise, Plan, Implement.

