The Little Book of Hygge: Review

3 min readAug 5, 2020

It’s okay to not be OKAY. It’s okay to be Emotionally (Mentally) exhausted.

What is tomorrow made of? What’s the new normal? We have had a complete change of life in the past 5 months. and everyone’s coping at their own pace. But, can we for once stop being so hard on ourselves? Education? Money? Career? Future? Aims? Running out of time! These are the thoughts constantly running through my mind and if you can even minutely relate to what I have been feeling, this book is a definite must-read for you. No, it won’t guide you towards your future, or what you’re supposed to do next professionally. Neither will it help you make any of the big decisions in life. But, why are we equating our happiness with our professional or academic success? Dive into this book to learn that happiness has to be unconditional. And remember, sometimes it’s okay to not be okay. It’s okay to be emotionally exhausted. take some time.

[The Cozy, Feel Good Book]

-The Little Book of Hygge-

Author- Meik Wiking (CEO, Happiness Research Institute, Copenhagen 🇩🇰)

‘Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom.’-Benjamin Franklin Denmark is often said to be the happiest country in the world. That being said, the country isn’t a perfect utopia and does face challenges like every other country, but it can certainly be a source of inspiration for how countries can increase the quality of life of their citizens. So, Why are the Danes so happy? The ingredient behind the Danish recipe for happiness is ‘Hygge’ Hygge has been called everything from: ‘the art of creating intimacy’, cosines of the soul’ and ‘absence of annoyance’ to taking ‘pleasure from the presence of soothing things’.It is about an atmosphere and an experience, rather than about things. It is about being with the people we love. A feeling fo home, that we are safe and shielded from the world. Hygge is humble and slow. It is choosing rustic over new, simple over posh and ambiance over excitement. It’s about appreciating the simple pleasures in life. Overall, The experience of reading this book was like sitting wrapped in a cozy wooden blanket near a fireplace sipping a warm beverage on a cold winter night! Feel good book. Feeling Hygge.

Speaking of Feeling Good contradicting with the prevailing situation. What is it that you miss the most during this?

T r a v e l?

I KNOWWW! (Monica Geller Voice)

The best thing about books based on different cultures is that as we read them they weave a virtual tour through their country. The book is like a cozy road trip through the danish culture. From the food, music, art, decor, to houses, clothing, seasons, weather, cities, it has it all. Grab this book and take a virtual trip through Denmark while feeling Hygge!

