Understanding Architecture

3 min readMay 25, 2020


“Architecture is constructed poetry, and we as writers bear the responsibility to realize and preach how spaces are capable of optimizing life!”

‘Architecture is a man-made approach of intervention, ultimately involving a fair bit of destruction, in order to eventually arrive in a state of hopefully coherent grace in the lives of its users and the built or natural context. It’s unacceptable to proceed hastily into such a complex territory without any degree of rigor and process-driven creativity commensurate with the gravity of creating large-scale, reality-altering, life-affecting structures.’

As architecture is first concerned with habitation, second with everything else- a study of design requires a concentrated focus on the humanistic, the social, contextual, and experiential. Simultaneously, architecture must strive to address human needs in unique ways as it is a complex organism- distant from the poignant normalcy and simplicity afforded an apt stepladder, or an unassuming carrot peeler- so effective that its beauty lies in its unnoticed efficiency.

In order to properly address these needs, the architect may employ any number of methods in which he or she has been trained, or apply various logics and approaches in an effort to best serve the final recipients. Before these myriad tools can be effectively wielded by a designer- he or she must be proficient enough in the method to approach design problems confidently, even fearlessly. Often this training must involve tangential investigations of a decidedly non-humanistic nature, with little relation to ultimate user experience. An intense study in any number of related subjects can engender a knowledge base of differing and sometimes unrelated contents. These layers of knowledge, melded with discoveries made during experimentation and alternate paths taken, provide the designer with a more varied palette from which to draw as he or she addresses the unique complexities of building for a human world. It is this type of tangential learning that can ultimately serve designer and client on a higher level than a study of habitation alone. A designer can then approach design with a process or set of tools that enable rigor in each instance of design.

Speaking of being life-affecting, the impacting and fathomless subject that architecture is, it’s proficient of bringing about a prodigious amendment or optimization in the pattern of people’s abstraction of the permeability of a particular space and also the functioning of a system with various drawbacks such as political, social, economic and cultural.

Evolutions in architecture can be brought about by apprehending architecture not only as the execution of redesigning and planning, but it must also be about reimagining space in such a way that it brings up solutions for the spatial predicaments as well as the rest of them.

The act of architecture being able to influence the space and its users has it’s anxiety of not being able to reach out to the optimum results. However, innovation isn’t supposed to be about attempting on various permutations and combinations of optimizing space. It’s a constant process. Architects of all ages contribute to one perpetual process. A linear progression of art, knowledge, and skill being added cumulatively leading to an incremental contribution by architects of the ages.

Architecture is a process in motion- a cohesive and motivating element towards development and innovation. The society demands productive collisions for social interactions and community feeling.

Change is inevitable. The need for space keeps altering, it’s a constant process and that is what demands a change in the space as a perpetual prospect in the language of space.

The existent quagmire is that structures, spaces, and architecture have come to a standstill, showing no progression. The end of innovation is architecture is a catastrophic occurrence as a result of standardized monotony of spaces and the obliviousness and unfamiliarity of the fact that spaces need to mutate for enhanced functionality, user experience, and aesthetic appeal. In order to avoid that we must realize, change must be constant in the field. A change, that is compatible with the contemporary consumer needs and virgin technologies and unaccustomed lifestyles.

